Category: Best of..

The Bicurious Chronicles pt. 1 (Psychotic Girl)

For the longest time, I worked at a bar called the Tilted Kilt, wearing a tiny Scottish whore outfit while serving booze to creepy old men. I really despised the job- feigning interest in nasty guys who had daughters my age, who hit on me anyway. But I tolerated it because a) it was a job and b) I made a lot of money.

One of the few perks of working in this sort of seedy, sexually charged establishment were the women that came in. Oh sure, there were miserable girlfriends who didn’t disguise their scorn for our whoreish-ness when their boyfriends dragged them there. But there were also a lot of fun and bicurious girls who felt comfortable in revealing their appreciation for the female form. They quite often assumed that because the servers were okay with being half naked, that we were sexually adventurous. I have always been attracted to men and women, so maybe their assumptions were not totally unfounded.

So, though I dealt with steaming piles of nasty shit from old men, I also got to hit on a lot of girls, and I loved it. But one chick in particular taught me a valuable life lesson: some women are  just manipulative and emotional and out of their goddamn minds.

There was a girl who was absolutely stunning-  smoking-fucking-hot. She had legs for days, was Eastern European, and had a very sexy, dark look. Her name was Katia and she came in to see me fairly often. She would come in and the male bartenders would never miss an opportunity to throw out lewd comments about how bad they wanted to bang her.

Katia always sat in my section. She would strut in, sit down at one of my tables, and flirt with me for hours. I really enjoyed when she came in- this girl was confident and fun loving. We were always super flirtatious and animated when we talked with each other. But, she had a boyfriend that she would sometimes bring with her, who would linger awkwardly on the side-lines as me and Katia talked. My instincts told me they were probably interested in a threesome, so I never really thought much of it, and kept the relationship at a friendly, interested, but unobtainable level. Katia eventually got my number, I had given it to her not ever expecting her to really call or try to hang out.

A few weeks later, on a Tuesday night, I was getting off of work around midnight when Katia started blowing up my phone. I ignored the first call, but after she sent a text message that said “Please answer me, I need your help!” and another phone call, I picked up- warily.

Me: Hey, Katia! How are you girly.. what’s going on?


Ah shitttttt… Katia was bawling. I had been hoping that her persistent phone calls and text message for assistance would be to help her solve a lighthearted dispute about some trivial question that she knew I’d have the answer to. But no. She was wailing on the other end of the line, and I had no idea how to react.

Me: Katia, are you okay?

Katia: Noooooooooooooooo…. Eva!  Eva my boyfriend and I are fighting and he’s threatening me and he just kicked me out of the house and I have nothing, no keys, no money, nothing and none of my fucking friends are answering their phones.. (sniff.. sniff.. sniff..) Oh my GODDDDDDD, I don’t know what to do. I can’t be by myself right now, I can’t, I want to go run into traffic. I don’t want to be alive right now..

Me: Umm.. well.. what do you want me to do Katia?

Katia: I only live a block away from your work, please, please just come and pick me up and sit with me until I can get a hold of SOMEBODY, ANYBODY! Eva, I feel so bad doing this to you, I know we don’t know each other very well I just don’t know what to do….”

Me: Okay.. okay.. I can come pick you up and we can go hang out for a while.. I have to get up at 5 a.m. and go do a promotion for work though- so I obviously want to help you but I really need you to try and figure out some kind of plan okay hon?”

Katia: (sniff.. sniff..) “Okaaaay. Thank you Eva! This means a lot to me, you are such a nice girl..”

So, she gave me directions to her house and I drove to go get her. When I pulled into her apartment complex, I was stunned. This girl was rolling around on the cement ground of the parking lot, wailing and sobbing. I slowly pulled up next to her and got out of my car..

“Evvaaaaa I’m so glad you’re here I can’t stand him, that prick is in my house and I don’t know what to dooooo…” she cried.

I leaned down and pulled her up from the ground…

“We’ll figure it out Katia.. You need pull yourself together, gorgeous. We’ll figure something out,” I tried consoling her.

I packed her flailing, lithe body into my car and hopped back into the driver’s seat. Even though it was now apparent that Katia was mildly intoxicated at the least, we decided we would go to the bar down the street until she figured out where she was going to stay and what she was going to do and if she could get a hold of anybody.

crying girl

Photo by Arturo J. Paniagua, on Flickr

As I drove, she explained what had happened between her and her boyfriend that night, and I absorbed what I could through the sniffs and sobs. I tried to avoid looking at her face because at this point I just felt embarrassed for her. Her make-up was smeared all over, her cheeks were tear stained, and she had to keep wiping her nose because it was running from crying too hard. The sexy, confident, woman who always looked so collected was crumbling before me, like a toddler having a fit. I reached a hand out and rubbed her back as I drove, anxious to sit this girl down, wipe her face off, get a beer, and help her get her shit together.

Too bad it was 1 a.m. on a Tuesday. As I pulled into the parking lot of the nearest bar, the chances of the place being open looked dismal. The lights were off and there were no cars anywhere to be found. I slowed my car in front of the door and was about to ask Katia for any other ideas when she brightened and declared, “It’s okay, I know the owners! I’m sure we can just go in there anyway!” and proceeded to hop out of the car and go and yank on the door as hard as she could.

The alarm started going off immediately. Looking like a scolded puppy, she ran back towards me..

“Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god..  I’m so sorry! I thought I’d be able to go in! I know the owner!”

I wasn’t aware if she realized that “knowing somebody” to get drinks at a bar was different than being given the divine power of opening the locked doors when the place was closed. Needless to say, I sped out of the parking lot to avoid any questioning by the cops who would be showing up shortly, who would have made the night all the more uncomfortable.

At this point, I was tired. Tired from working a double that day, emotionally exhausted from trying to console the disaster in my passenger seat, and not looking forward to waking up in T-minus 4 hours to go get my pictures taken for advertisements for the Tilted Kilt. We drove around aimlessly as she continued to suck out all of my energy with her crying and blatant inability to regain composure.

All I wanted was solace. I wanted to drop this girl off somewhere so I could crawl into my bed at home and burrow into my blankets and not have to worry about what I was going to do with her. I kept holding out hope that she would get in touch with somebody and find a place to stay. But, eventually I decided that if I had to continue to deal with an unstable, emotional Katia, I’d rather be doing it from the comfort of my home. So, I gave in.

“Katia.. I have a spare bedroom at my house. You can crash in it if you’d like, but I really just need to get home. I can give you a ride back to your place in the morning, if that’s okay?”

She whimpered and nodded. The rest of the drive to my house was filled with her crying about her relationship and me silently nodding and inserting the concerned “Mmhmmm’s” when necessary. When we pulled into my apartment complex at 2 a.m., my ears were ringing from her sobbing.  I was so happy to be home as we dragged our sorry asses up the stairs to my place.

All I wanted to do was sleep, so I showed her back to the spare bedroom, gave her some face wash in the bathroom, and went to grab her pair of pajamas. As I walked into the spare room to hand her the clothes, Katia knocked them out of my hands, grabbed the collar of my shirt, threw me onto the extra bed, crawled on top of me, and started kissing me. The pathetic looking tear stained girl who I had been trying to piece together for the last 2 hours had suddenly transformed into a devious vixen. I was so tired, and confused, and completely clueless as to what this girl needed- I just went with it.

She stopped and told me she had never been with a woman before but had always fantasized about it. I was so defeated by how crazy this girl was, and so bewildered at how premeditated this entire night had been to get to this point. I just didn’t care. When all was said and done, I was drained of every ounce of energy in my body. I moved over on the bed to sleep, and as I did, she sat bolt upright, suddenly, like some kind of timer had just gone off.

She looked at me over her shoulder, now looking very perky and victorious, and said, “Okay! I’ll let myself out.. I’ll get a cab home.”

And she got up and walked out of the room, completely composed, as if nothing had just happened.

I didn’t know what to think and I was too tired to try and make any sense of what I had just been through. I just laid in bed enjoying the coziness as she left.. and though I felt like I had lead blocks for feet, when I heard the door slam, I ran into the living room and locked the door behind her as fast as I could.

Click Here To Read The Prequel, Hot Love


I crushed a firefly to make it glow/I broke a heart, nice and slow.

What I did, it wasn’t fair/I saw his pain, and I didn’t care.

I hurt someone when I was scared/Not an excuse, not really fair.

I wanted to fall, but I ran instead/I don’t expect forgiveness, but my heart still begs.

Something just takes over me/I want to love, but instead I flee.

Eva vs. Karma

Eva Feels the Wrath of Karma

I’m a pansy, and it makes me a bitch. I’m not totally sure why I get so turned off by people who want to get serious, it just happens and I shut down. Then, the thought of facing someone who is upset with me is so terrifying that I go into hiding. That’s what happened with the last 5 people I dated. With every single one of them things were going along great, then suddenly I realized their feelings for me were more intense than mine for them, a switch flipped on, and I froze up. Instead of letting any of them know that I needed more time or that I felt smothered or wanted to be friends, the thought of them wanting me so badly made me feel like they were needy and I just ran away. I ignored phone calls, responded to texts days after receiving them, gave them aloof one word responses, and treated them like dirt. With each one, the amount of time before they got it varied, and once I knew it had set in I completely stopped talking to them. I didn’t want them to ask me why I had changed my mind, because I couldn’t give them a good answer.

In short, I fall hard and run fast.

The curve in the middle of the path .... its gone what do you think???

photo by Nina Matthews Photography

In my head, I was convinced they were all needy and annoying and I started picking apart their personalities.. just because they liked me alot. I turned them into whiny little puppies in my brain, even though they were all real people, with real feelings, who I had really liked at one point… facts I ignored so I could move on in my dating life without a pang of guilt.

And now, here I am getting mauled by the karma that I deserve and realizing what a bitch I was- and if any of those people I ignored are reading this, you can curl up your hand and raise it in a fist of triumph, because I will say honestly that I got a dose of my own medicine. But at least I am learning from it.

…..So I guess it’s finally time for me to lay down the saga of Jed.

Remember the Undie Run I wrote about back in May? Well, that’s where I met this guy. In the throbbing crowd of half naked college students, I was throbbing next to Jed. The tallest, cutest boy that I could see happened to be standing next to one of my friends, Natalie and I made our way over, and I found this handsome, tattooed guy  looking adorably confused at a marker in his hand.

“What’s that for?” I asked.

“Ummm.. I dunno, I just found it on the ground a couple of seconds ago. I don’t know what to do with it!”

“Autograph boobies, duh!” I yelled, ripped it out of his hands, and put Eva R. on his chest.

He laughed, and asked if he could sign mine.



Then the starting signal went off, the crowd broke, and everyone started running. We lost each other within minutes, but when I got home later that night I Facebooked “ Jeds” at ASU. He was listed on the first page and I added him. A few days later we talked. He asked me to go out and I was excited. I had found out already that this guy had hippie parents and grew up without a TV. I was a little flabbergasted, because until this point, I had never met anyone who had such a similar upbringing to mine. I was kind of eager to see if he was as cool as I thought he might be.

Then he stood me up.

He told me he would call me in 20 minutes so we could go do something. I sat for 3 hours, dressed up and ready to go, waiting for that phone call. Most girls probably would have written him off after sitting for a few hours on that first night, fully dressed and doing all of those “getting ready” things you only have time for if whoever you are going out with is really late. Painting your nails. Watching them dry. Tweezing all of the extra fine hairs around your eyebrows. Moisturizing your elbows. Cutting cuticles. Watching time ooze by as the realization eventually sets in that you’ve been sitting 3 hours and 20 minutes longer than planned and that call is NOT coming. But I’m 1000 times more patient than most other people, and gave him the benefit of the doubt.

We ended up hanging out the next 3 nights in a row. He was as cool as I thought he might be. He was intelligent, funny, quirky, great taste in music, and good looking. I tried to hide my excitement at the prospects of dating this guy, but I probably did a bad job of it. We spent a good amount of those first 3 times we hung out getting extra drunk with all of his recently graduated friends and I am sad to report that huge chunks of the conversations that we had are missing from my memory.

Then I didn’t hear from him for 3 days straight.

When we finally did talk, we made a date plan. We ended up spending something like 23 hours together on that first date. We hung out again the next night as well. It was an intense, highly alcoholic 2 days.

Then no talking for 4 days in a row. I started sweating.

Eventually, I got a text message from him, letting me know that he has an intense fear of moving too fast. I let him know that I definitely understood, and backed off considerably. I got so scared that he might potentially do what I had done to so many people before, and it made me so fucking nervous, I couldn’t handle it. This is when I debated whether, if I ever saw him again, I wanted to kick him in the balls or give him a hug. I wanted to stop liking him at all, but I couldn’t. And it was killing me. His unreliability, the way he could go 4 days without even thinking about me, the fact that everything was going so well and then it was like a switch flipped on, he froze up, and turned into a ghost. He was doing to me what I had done to so many guys and girls before. My confidence was in shambles and I hated him for it. To be fair, he told me he didn’t have his shit together and didn’t want a relationship. I told him it would be cool to just be friends, and I meant it.

But still, it persists. I want to hear from him and I never want to talk to him again. As much as I want to forget he exists and  ignore the fact that I have been rejected, I want so bad to be friends and somewhat nurture the connection that was made in the first few weeks I knew this guy. But the unreliability continues. It’s like we never had a single good conversation before. I get aloof one word responses from him and feel an overwhelming lack of interest when he is talking to me.

For the last 3 weeks, if we talked, it wasn’t because he initiated conversation, it’s because I debated whether or not to say “Hi!” for 10 minutes and risked being that person who just doesn’t get the hint.

Maybe it’s in my head, but I feel so awkward. The confident, fun-loving girl other people see is nowhere to be found when I hang out with this guy who has shown me what it feels like to be punished for liking someone too fast. My confidence with him is shattered, and I’m beginning to feel like we can’t be friends because I turn into such a self-conscious nincompoop around him that I will never be able to carry on a conversation again. The sympathetic side of myself continues to argue that he might be okay because he is doing exactly what I have done so many times before and it’s something I can understand, my proud side is longing to tell him off for being such a prick, and all of me just wishes I had never met him.. because I finally GOT it. It has set in, and I’m still torn up that I got such intense karma from someone who I thought I could connect with, even if it would be just as friends.

So there you have it. The Trainwreck is getting what she deserves, and I guess I just have to promise that if I end up dating another person who lays it on too thick, too early for me I’m going to deal with it the right way, be honest, and do my best to stay friends, because if I ever act like as big of a flaky bitch as I used to be, I want someone to punch me in the face.

I don’t want to make anyone resent me for turning ice cold without any notice, ever again. When someone I’m dating lets me know they are starting to feel attached I’m not going to burn the bridge down right away. Instead I need to evaluate the potential for a relationship as realistically as I can, and see if they can deal with being just friends. I don’t want to hide from the people that I make a connection with anymore… because now I realize how arrogant I was in assuming all of those people that I ran away from only wanted to date me and make me THEIRS and couldn’t handle anything else. Staying friends would be better than knowing they are feeling resentment towards me for slamming on the brakes and disappearing when things are seemingly going well. Now I’ve seen things from the other side of the situation, and I finally realize how dumb I was for running away from the people I made connections with.

Karma really is a bitch.

Autobiography of an Awkward Girl, pt. 1

A journey into the psychology of why I’m so fuckin’ weird.

(Angus & Julia Stone- The Lonely Goat)

When I was growing up I had a serious lack of social skills.

I lived at the far reaches of the local school district in a rickety 100 year old farm house with no television, air conditioning, or nearby playmates. My mom worked 3rd shift while my dad worked 1st for most of my childhood, so I never went to a day care or preschool because someone was always home. I spent a majority of those really early, important developmental years following our three-legged family dog around on explorations of the farm. I had hardly ever even seen another child my age until I spent a horrifying first few weeks of kindergarten forced to acknowledge their existence.

For the first year of school, I rarely uttered a word to another child in my kindergarten class. The other children made me uneasy. The way that they talked, organized, and so comfortably played “pretend” together was foreign to me. I didn’t have any experience with social interaction, and when approached I felt sudden paralyzing fear spread like wildfire through my body.

When a peer initiated conversation, I would often find myself so overcome with anxiety that I would stare back at the instigator with eyes wide open and lips pressed shut so firmly you could not have beaten a peep out of me. I was in my comfort zone when I was by myself or talking to adults. I was scared to death of the other kids.

When I was actually involved in games like “house” I was never sure what to say, and was usually dealt the more incompetent roles, such as a pet dog or goldfish. I would crawl around my classmates, observing their game and doing my best to steer clear of the action. The pretend mother would boss around her pretend children, incessantly barking out orders and sending them to their rooms, all while furiously scrubbing the Playskool dishes. The pretend daughters pestered their mothers for money to go buy high heels and dresses and make-up. The pretend parents conspired against each other, and the whole household would suffer if rooms weren’t cleaned and dishes not done. I only remember feeling confusion as I watched my classmates’ interpretation of home life, which was so different from my own experience.

My own mother spent her time withdrawn from our family, reading books all day long after getting home from working the graveyard shift. She was brutally honest, and didn’t give a fuck what you did, as long as it wasn’t completely dimwitted.

The kitchen was never clean, the carpet was crunchy with crumbs, and dishes were piled high in the sink. My mom is NOT your average domestic caretaker.

My mother sat silently and devoured an entire box of Cheez-Its in one sitting as a novel swept her away. Tim6e spent with my mother was time spent using your own invention for entertainment. You could do whatever you wanted- be it making a sculpture out of the tub of butter in the fridge or riding a sled down the winding attic stairs. The only interaction was when you did something really asinine and ended up crying- then, she would calmly remark on the stupidity of what you had done and introduce the sophisticated concept of thinking before acting. There was never an emotional reaction to any situation, just a composed explanation and then return to normalcy. Usually, though, the only movement from Mom would be the slow reach for a handful of snacks or the turning of a page in her book. Meanwhile, I would run around the house in my underwear, strip them off, and run out into the fields completely naked waving happily at cars as they passed by.

My father was a trip, too. A burly lumberjack lookin’ man, with deeply tanned skin from years of outdoor labor. He was warm and loving, but still shared the same no nonsense attitude my mother had. When my father came home at 5 he would walk through the door and fake a heart attack upon seeing me, 7dropping to the floor with a booming “THUD” louder than the one Paul Bunyan would have produced. He would lay there clutching his heart, claiming my smile had killed him. I would squeal with joy and beg him to get up and play with me, poking and prodding as he egged me on for the next 5 or 10 minutes. When he finally did get up we would tidy the house, then go outside where he would show me how to climb trees, push me in the tire swings he designed, or make a multi-level maze out of hay bales for me to crawl through while he sat nearby and enjoyed a beer. I owned very few toys, and the projects I participated in with my dad usually involved a lot of dirt and imagination.  He would sometimes interrupt our activities to make me stop and look when he saw something interesting- like an unknown insect or a couple of baby deer running across the horizon line. By the time evening came I would be filthy and exhausted. He would take me to the swing on the westward facing porch at sunset and push me while he sang folk songs as we watched the sun disappear. When bedtime came, Dad would read to me, sometimes out of the Dostoyevsky books he liked, and even if I was too young to understand what was going on in the book, I loved spending time with my father and would let his deep voice carry me off to sleep.

So, who were these mothers who spent their time scorning their children for everything they did and getting upset if things were dirty? Why were the little girls so preoccupied with wearing high heels and make up? I eventually lost interest and the pretend family dog quietly ran away from the family unnoticed and ended up contently playing alone in a different world…

to be continued

Tattoo [pic]

I Got a Tattoo…

tree tattoo backpiece

A while ago, I was investigating my own spirituality. My parents had brought me up without instilling any sense of religion into me. The world was open for interpretation the entire time I was growing up.

I had never really given myself the chance to formulate an actual idea before I came up with this concept. After reading the Tao for a few days, I went to sleep and had a very peaceful dream. In the dream, there was a painting that I remembered vividly when I woke up. After my eyes fluttered open, I grabbed my art supplies and hashed out the dream painting as quickly as I could, because I wanted to remember it.

Tattoo concept

Dream sketch

A few days later, I was reading a book about Taoism and came across the quote:
“The mind is the root from which all things grow.” ~ Bodhidharma

Immediately, it struck me how appropriate that quote went with my sketch. I sat and pondered the meaning of it for a while. I felt that it meant so many different things. The mind is the root from which all things grow. The seeds that we plant in our brains affect everything that we do on a daily basis. It affects our interpretation of the world. It affects our actions. It affects the meaning of everything. We assign value to everything that we encounter in life. The quote meant so much to me, and I had a vision to go with it.

Welcome to mah blog

For those of you who have encouraged my writing previously, and then held witness as I disappeared off the map, I appreciate your continued support, and I want to explain.

I used to write it all in one place, and it was great. That was my Trainwreck blog. The no holds barred, nitty-gritty, uncomfortable details of my life lived there. I didn’t care who watched me fumble through my uncertainty, so I wrote about it all, and was surprised by how well received it was.

Welp, needless to say, I grew away from that place. I stopped being a Trainwreck, and started understanding my life. I never stopped writing though. I have had it in bits and pieces since then, scattered on random napkins and other paper scraps since. I can’t not write, after all.

From time to time, I’d get inspired and start writing “officially” again. I took up a freelance job writing for a sexuality blog, and for CoEd Magazine (see “Paid Work” link in the footer). I started a blog about being an in-debt college student trying to be a young professional. Then I started a blog about politics, because I got swept up by my passion for the transgressions I saw in our country. And then I stopped trying to write at all, because it was all so segmented.

I wanted to keep my sex separate from my politics and my work and my personal life. I can’t do that. When I write, I need to just be me. I can’t be “me” in a million different places or ways. I need my words to be one big melting pot of Eva. I think that’s just how it needs to be. You can’t separate yourself from yourself like that and expect to make any progress.

So, here we are at RebaRockefeller. The name came from my boyfriend, Nate. When we went backpacking through Costa Rica (click on the “travel” navigation button above to read about it), he would start calling me names that rhymed with my real name. Tina. Gina. Reba. But Reba Rockefeller stuck. I’m actually listed in his phone as Reba to this day, years into our relationship. So, Reba Rockefeller is a pseudonym. It’s not something I hide behind. It’s just one of the million nicknames I’ve acquired throughout life, and it sounds just a little catchier than my real name.

So, what I did for RebaRockefeller is consolidate. I imported all of my scattered blogs, typed up some of the missing pieces (transferred from those napkins and post-dated) and put together one big composition about my life. Then I added pictures that I’ve had and just didn’t post before, many of them edited with Instagram (you can follow me there @RebaRockefeller)

There are still some big missing pieces where I wished I would have written in the moment. But those aren’t here, and I can’t force myself to experience the feelings I had in those fleeting memories. So those will have to go untold, and we’ll just have to move forward from where we are right now.

Welcome, and enjoy.